ϸ Ű ο  ..!!

ID/PW ã ' ͸' ȸ

     :   츮 ̵ ̤ : 2018.11.13 (Tue) 10:30:31 AM  
 ۼ : ... No. 11765  õ : 8  ȸ : 765 

Classroom Idea is a song which criticizes the oppressive education system of Korea. This song was written by Seo Taiji in 1994 when all teenagers were forced to stay in school from 7 am to 9 pm. Many students felt that they were locked up in a classroom like prisons. Parents, teachers, and most adults believed this would be the best for teens because it was really hard, at that time, for people without a college degree to find a decent job in Korea. People without a college degree were treated as underdogs, paid no respect, and kept invisible in the society.

However, there were some teens who did not want to go to college because their dreams had nothing to do with academic degrees. Seo taiji was one of them. He dropped out of high school to join a rock band, and after making huge success with his music, he wrote this song based on his own experience. He showed that anyone could make one's dream come true. With this and many other songs, he sent a great message to teenagers that they should trust and love themselves, go for their dreams, never give up, and fear nothing. Thanks to this song, many teenagers were encouraged to follow their dreams, they challenged a new road, and took the adventure.

The manipulation that the nazi flag was used on the stage is insulting and humiliating people who are now living their dreams upon this song. The flag here symbolizes a repressive school system using a school building and a school gown image. Stop spreading false information. Do not falsely accuse innocent people of being a nazi. After all, the message of the song is to criticize all systems that suppress human freedom.

̵ƴ 1994 ǥ , ѱ ý ϰ ֽϴ. ÿ ûҳ ħ 7ú 9 б ӹ θ ϵ 並 ޾ҽϴ. л Ϸ ǿ ġ ִ ޱ⵵ ߽ϴ. ʰ ã , θ,  ̷ ý ̶ּ Ͼϴ. ڷ , ȸκ ôϰ ߽ϴ.

ûҳ ߴ ƴմϴ. а ٴ ģ ҽϴ. ׷߽ϴ. ״ ǰ ߰, 忡  ᱹ б ߽ϴ. 뼺 ŵ , ״ ڽ 뷡 ϴ. ״ ڽ ̷ ־ϴ. 뷡, ׸ ٸ 뷡 , ûҳ鿡 ޽ ߽ϴ. ڽ ϰ ϵ, ڽ Ѿ ʵ, ׸ η ʵ ߽ϴ. 뷡 ûҳ ⸦ ڽ ư ־ϴ. ο , Ⲩ ߽ϴ.

뿡 ġ ߰ ϴٰ ϴ , 뷡 ڽ ̷ λ ϴ Դϴ. 뷡 бǹ ̹ Ͽ бý ¡ ְ ֽϴ. ߴϽʽÿ. ġ ư ʽϴ. 뷡 ϰ ϴ ǹ̴ ΰ ϴ ϴ Դϴ.


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̵ư ׶ 10鿡  ǹ̿
ɽð ۿ 뷡 Ʋָ ü Ѿ б ǿ ȯȣ Դ ߰ 뷡 â߾ٱ..
׷ Ե ηη ۹ 뷡 ..׷ 뷡

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ߵ ʴ ..ƾ! ѱ ó ϴ ׷ 뷡ٱ..
̹ ̵ư  ̿ ٽ ϰ Ф

ڸƮ 11 [ũ] [õ]
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