ϸ Ű ο  ..!!

ID/PW ã ' ͸' ȸ

     :   19?) ũ ڳ̾ ѱ´~ : 2016.02.12 (Fri) 02:54:52 PM  
 ۼ : yo No. 5154  õ : 0  ȸ : 136 

ȳϼ ̽±Դϴ
ѱ б 3г̿ ɰθ ؾ ϰֳ׿.
Ϸ ̵Ǵµ
ѽص ŷ ־.
( ) ȷοϰ(԰ ص ) VPN Ƽ ۵ ٿް Ʃ굵 ϰ Ȩ ϴ.
̹ ڹ Ȩ ߴ ̺Ʈ ¥ ϰ ;µ ZIP CODE  ߾ Ѥ
'Amazing Cardboard Technology' ſ 'Amazing Hand Technology' ̿ؼ վĿ. ֱѵ ڸ  ˾ κе ־
 а û Ұſ.
׷ Ͻ̶ Ի ϰ; ֽ̾ñ ٶϴ. K
񲿴 ̿ ѱ ϰ ° ѱ ȭ Ű ѱڸ ϴ.
ڳ ģ FOODIES ϳİ ϵ ׷ Ŷ մϴ.
ٰ ְ 弼:)
ѱ ǰ ߴٸ ڰ Ǿ 帱Կ䤻
Ϸ Ǽ!

Ps) ѱ ̸ ٿ.
̶ ߾
ڳ ״ ־
ѱ żҸ ̸  Ҹ ƾ

̰ ־!  
DHL ̳ ο! Դµ.

ĭ ڶ µ


( ) student of Korean high school.
( ) important to prepare Korean SAT, but Im totally crushed on you watching your videos all day long and sending this right now.
It is irresistible to watch you in spite of worrying about test
I blame my self-control, but you are still extremely attractive enough to lose my control.
I followed all of TEAM COCO SNS (twitter, facebook, instagram, and tumbler).
Also, I subscribed to youtube, installed VPN to download official application, and checked homepage everyday.
Several weeks ago, there was a free event for comic-con on homepage.
I really want to participate for figures and 360VR, but I dont have freakin ZIP CODE.
Therefore, I used Amazing Hand Technology instead of Amazing Cardboard Technology to watch 360 videos.
It was great except my hands got arthritis.
Im not good at English right now, but I will study hard at college to apply TEAM COCO internship and job!
You should accept my application.
Considering desired major in college, Graphic Coordinator is most suitabl so make one seat for me. ()

However, it seems like you are interested in Korea.
Although you use for sarcasm, you mention Korea a lot and visit Korean SPA.
For this reason, I send Korean snacks. Bon appetit!!!
Some of my friends whom I brainwash to watch your video worry that you cant have this because Foodies have already eaten all.
I dont think it will happen, please enjoy with everybody. ()
If you want traditional stuff, I will give for a present when I become a TEAM COCO. :)
Have a nice day Conan!

I named your Korean name.
Korean: (named first name Kim because it is common in Korea)
Romanization: Gim Gonan (changed C G because in Korea we dont use aspirated consonant in name)
English: Gonan Kim

my name is ̽±.
passport: Sung Kyo Lee
Romanization: Seung Gyo I
Best pronounciation: Seung Kyo Lee. (My parents named Sunny for English name)

Im almost broke because of DHL!
(I think earn money easily)


ڳ̾ ü

ڳ̾ (ó : Ű )

̱ Ǿڹ̵ ɾ ũ ȣƮ.

ٸ ĵ ڹ̵ Ǵ ȣƮ ſ ȭǴ Ư αⰡ ̻ ߴ. ڳ Ÿ ÿ ϴ ûڷ, ÿ ӿ ұϰ[1] ΰ д ûڵ Ҵ. ڳ ̾ 40 Ĺ ӿ ̸ ñ Ʈ, Ʃ Ҽ ̵ ߱ ڳ  ڶ ͳݻ󿡼 αⰡ ſ ̴. Ȥڴ ڴ Ȯ ڳ ̶̾ .

ڳ ڹ̵𿡼 ε巯 Ư¡ ϳ ڹ̵𿡼 ̴ з̴. ̴ ù ڳ ̾ Ʈ Ʈ 1ȸ ִµ, 밡 ִ " Ź " ġ ϴ° ʹ ¥ Ѵ. ̴ ۿ ϴ ۿ ϸ ⸦ Ҷ ǰ ϰų ڽ 𸥴ٴ ϴ Ʒ ޵ 'Fan Corrections' ڳʿ 巯.


ڳ ̶̾  û ũڰ ִ´ ̹ ~

ڱ ѱ л ̶ ذ ߾(̶ ϳ)

̻ ׸̶ û ~
ڸƮ 7 [ũ] [õ]
image-vert.jpg | 259.4 KB / 0 Download
ȸ ۾
   ȳ  [8] 2017/08/26 9 1808
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ö Խù 0
õ/ȸ Խù more..
ֱ ڸƮ more..

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