ϸ Ű ο  ..!!

ID/PW ã ' ͸' ȸ
Բߴ ԽԴϴ. Խ ̵Ϸ Ŭϼ!

     :   뷉 ~^^* : 2009.10.27 (Tue) 02:10:26 AM  
 ۼ : ƿº No. 734518  õ : 1  ȸ : 190 


Ӷ̾ ij ´ 鱸ͺý餾

Ӹ 鱸... ׷??
( ׷ФФ)

ߵ... ~ ݾ~^^*

󸶵 ä(... Ϳ )

ٵ !!! ȱ̶!!!

... ׷?

ߵ ų о̴ ž..

ǽ ڱ ڽ ϰ ..

ڽ ڼ 鿩 ~


𿣰... ־..^^

װ ̴ ̵ ʴ ̵....

״ϱ... ߵ ... !^^

ؼ 社

There's a hero if you look inside your heart
״ 鿩ٺ ־

You don't have to be afraid of what you are
״ ڽ η ʾƵ ſ

There's an answer if you reach into your soul
״ ȥ ٰ ſ

And the sorrow that you know will melt away
׸ ״밡 ˴ Ƴ

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
׸ ״뿡 ư ַ ãƿ

And you cast your fears aside
״ ſ

And you know you can survive
ư ְ Ǵ ſ

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong
״ 鿩ٺ

And you'll finally see the truth
¥ ״ϱ

That a hero lies in you
¥ ״ ȿ ִٴ ɿ

It's a long road
ª ΰɿ

When you face the world alone
ȥ µ߷

No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
״븦 о ʴ°ɿ

You can find love if you search within yourself
״ ȿ ãƺٸ ſ

And the emptiness you felt will disappear
׸ ״밡

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
׸ ״뿡 ư ַ ãƿ

And you cast your fears aside
״ ſ

And you know you can survive
ư ְ Ǵ ſ

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong
״ 鿩ٺ

And you'll finally see the truth
¥ ״ϱ

That a hero lies in you
¥ ״ ȿ ִٴ ɿ

Lord knows
ϴ ƽǰſ

Dreams are hard to follow
ѱ ٴ

But don't let anyone
޵ ƿ

Tear them away
޵ ѾƳ ƿ

Hold on

There will be tomorrow
и ſ

In time you'll find the way
״ ã ְ

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
׸ ״뿡 ư ַ ãƿ

And you cast your fears aside
״ ſ

And you know you can survive
ư ְ Ǵ ſ

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong
״ 鿩ٺ

And you'll finally see the truth
¥ ״ϱ

That a hero lies in you
¥ ״ ȿ ִٴ ɿ

That a hero lies in you
¥ ״ ȿ ִٴ ɿ.....
ڸƮ [ũ] [õ]
ȸ ۾
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