ϸ Ű ο  ..!!

ID/PW ã ' ͸' ȸ
Բߴ ԽԴϴ. Խ ̵Ϸ Ŭϼ!

     :   Ưմϴ! [+] () : 2009.07.14 (Tue) 04:11:08 PM  
 ۼ : dz No. 605905  õ : 3  ȸ : 168 

1. At least 1,000,000 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

 鸸 մϴ. (ŴϾ...)

2. At least 5,000,000 people in this world love you, in some way.

 鸸  մϴ. (ε, 󱼸*-_-*, ΰε, ȭġε...)

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you, is because they want to be just like you.

ȾѴٸ, װ ׵ ; Դϴ. (Ƽ...)

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

̼Ҵ Ե ູ ݴϴ... ׵ . (Ϲε..^^)

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

Ϲ, մϴ. (Ȱ ؼ~~ ^^;)

6. You mean the world to someone.

̿ Դϴ.

7. Without you, someone may not be living.

ٸ ʰ ֽϴ. (=you saved their life.) (...)

8. You are special and unique, in your own way.

Ÿ Ư ϰֽϴ. (ϱ! ü!!)

9. Someone that you don't know even exists loves you.

ϴ ̰ ( 𸣴 ̰) ϰֽϴ.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

ū Ǽ װ ֽϴ.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

ſ ȴ Ҷ, ֺ ѷ. Ƹ ſ.

12. When you think you have no chance at getting what you want, you probably won't get it; but if you believe in yourself, you probably sonner or later will get it.

ϴ° Ȯ ٰ ϸ ϰ, ڽ ϴ´ٸ ϴ° ԵɰԴϴ.

13. Always remember compliments you recieved, forget about the rude remarks.

򺸴 Ī ϼ.

14. Always tell someone how you feel, and then they'll know.

ڽ ϼ. ׷ ״ϱ. (Ѵٰ~~~ ҵ Ѵٰ~ . ׷ ı оϱ, Ʈ鿡 ޴ ֵ..)

15. If you have great fans, take the time to let them know that they're great.

ҵ ִٸ, ð ׵ 󸶳 ˷ּ. :) ( ٹ, , ҵ ħ ...)

ϴٰ ã ɰ ִ.
а § µ, Ͱ Դٴ..
, ̰ſ ⱸ ; ɲ ؼ غþ.
- ̷¥ 1,2 ڸ ٲٰ 15 friends->fansθ ٲ㺸ڸ
1,2 ׳ Ǵ´ þ-,.- ٵ ̵: ŴϾ ̳ ɱ? ãƺٰ ޸ õ鶧 짲 о..

, Ż̰ ؿܰ.. μ ༭ , ޴ Ʈ  ...
' һ' ڰ ٰ Ͼ. װ ...
ѹ ... ǵ ٰ ƴϿϱ..
ͼ - ̷ °ž.
Դٰ ¥Ÿ-_-̶ ϱ.. ( 14ð Ÿ~)
04 ̺ µ, 'ڿ Ѻ ƿ, տ ִ ƿ?' ' .. Ҷ տ ϱ' Ͻôµ °ž-_
׸ 17̶ û Ҵ 礿 տ ɱ׶̾..


«« ϸ鼭 Ҵ ۵ а, ־ ^^
ؼ, ϴ п ؼ...
Ѵٰ Ѵٰ ϴ°͵ ߰ԵǾ
Ÿ ° μ ̶͵ ^^
Ѷ ѱ ȳ Ȱ ϽŰž ߵ ݼߴ٤Ф
׳ ... ̷ Ǹ Ű..

ڻõ ι ϰ üγ ưٰ ϶ ٽ µ,
ʹ ,
Ƽϻ缭 ĵ տ ٶ󺸴° ̰
к ɴ޸ лμ


Ͽư! ξ  Ż ! ʾҴ ϰ
ҷ :) ̴ּµ ؾѴٰ ..

׸ Ѻ ± 翡 е... մϴ. (<-Ī. ߵɰŰּ;;)

׸ Ϲ ֱ⶧ ƿ̴ ִ,
ۿ 鿩ٺ (?) е غ! ^^
ĵ ٴ ޺, ̺ ϴ ޺, ġ ı ִ ޺, ó ޺ ִ ޺, ð ʰ ( ' ϸ'?) Ѱᰰ ִ ޺, ִٸ Ƹ ϰž.

+ Ⱦ о༭ ڸФ ޺ !!:)
Ե ޺鵵 ̿~
ڸƮ 3 [ũ] [õ]
ȸ ۾
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