ϸ Ű ο  ..!!

ID/PW ã ' ͸' ȸ
Բߴ ԽԴϴ. Խ ̵Ϸ Ŭϼ!

     :   ޺ ɽǮ~ : 2009.08.05 (Wed) 04:30:10 AM  
 ۼ : No. 643297  õ : 0  ȸ : 71 

Ƹ ʹ..

 ´° ֵ?


Ambitious and serious ߽ɰ, ϴ.

Loves to teach and be taught ġ Ѵ.
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses ִ.
Likes to criticize ϱ⸦ Ѵ.
Hardworking and productive ϰ, ִ.
Smart, neat and organized ȶϰ, ϸ Ǿ ִ.
Sensitive and has deep thoughts ΰϰ(Ȥ ), .
Knows how to make others happy ٸ  ູϰ ˰ ִ.
Quiet unless excited or tensed ϰ, ϰų ϴ .
Rather reserved () ݴ.
Highly attentive ϴ.
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds () 鿪 , ⿡ ɸ .
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love θƽϳ, ǥϴµ .
Loves children ̵ Ѵ.
Homely person .
Loyal ϴ.
Needs to improve Social abilities ȸ ɷ Ѿ ʿ䰡 ִ.
Easily jealous Ѵ.
Very Stubborn ſ ϰϴ. (ұ...)


Abstract thoughts ߻ .
Loves reality and abstract Ͱ ̷ Ѵ.
Intelligent and clever Ѹϰ Ұ .
Changing personality ϴ . ( )
Temperamental .
Quiet, shy and humble ϰ, Ÿ ϴ.
Low self esteem ڱ .
Honest and loyal ϰ, 漺 .
Determined to reach goals ǥ .
Loves freedom Ѵ.
Rebellious when restricted () ѵǾ ̴.
Loves aggressiveness Ѵ. ()
Too sensitive and easily hurt ؼ(ʹ ؼ), ó޴´.
Showing anger easily ȭ .
Dislike unnecessary things ʿ() ͵ ȾѴ.
Loves making friends but rarely shows it ģ ϳ 巯 ʴ´.
Daring and stubborn ̰ ϴ.
Ambitious ߸.
Realizing dreams and hopes ް ȭŲ.
Sharp () ϴ.
Loves entertainment and leisure Ѵ.
Romantic on the inside not outside δ ǥ , θƽϴ.
Superstitious and ludicrous ̽ ϰ, ͻ콺.
Spendthrift .
Learns to show emotions ڽ 巯 ȴ.


Attractive personality ŷ .
Affectionate ϴ.
Shy and reserved β Ÿ, .
Secretive н.
Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic õ ϰ, ϸ .
Loves peace and serenity ȭ 並 Ѵ.
Sensitive to others ٸ Ѵ.
Loves to serve others ٸ ϱ⸦ Ѵ.
Not easily angered ȭ ʴ´.
Trustworthy .
Appreciative and returns kindness , ģ ǵش.
Observant and assesses others ٸ Ѻ, ùٸ Ѵ.
Revengeful ϴ.
Loves to dream and fantasize ϴ Ͱ ȯȭŰ(?) Ѵ.
Loves traveling Ѵ.
Loves attention Ѵ.
Hasty decisions in choosing partners Ʈʸ ϴ.
Loves home decors dz Ѵ.
Musically Talented ִ.
Loves special things Ư Ѵ.
Moody . (Ȥ, ϴ)


Active and dynamic Ȱϰ ̴.
Decisive and haste but tends to regret ϰ , ȸϴ ִ.
Attractive and affectionate to oneself ŷ̰ ٸ ϴ.
Strong mentality ŷ ִ.
Loves attention Ѵ.
Diplomatic 米̴.
Consoling (ٸ ) ִ .
Friendly and solves people's problems ٸ ذ ش.
Brave and fearless 밨ϰ .
Adventurous ̴.
Loving and caring (𰡸) ϰ ִ .
Suave and generous ϰ, ε巴.
Emotional ̴.
Aggressive 米̴.
Hasty ϴ.
Good memory .
Moving Ѵ.
Motivate oneself and the others ٸ ڱѴ.
Sickness usually of the head and chest ַ Ӹ ִ.


Stubborn and hard-hearted ϰϰ .
Strong-willed and highly motivated ϰ () .
Sharp thoughts īο () . (¼ ߸)
Easily angered ȭ.
Deep feelings (?) .
Beautiful physically and mentally ü, Ƹ.
Firm Standpoint ߰ ִ.
Needs no motivation ⸦ ڱ ʿ䰡 .
Easily consoled Ѵ.
Systematic (left brain) ³ ߴ޵Ǿ, ȹ̴.
Loves to dream ޲ٴ , ϱ⸦ Ѵ.
Strong clairvoyance .
Understanding (ٸ ) Ѵ.
Sickness usually in the ear and neck ַ Ϳ ȯ ִ.
Good imagination .
Good physical ǰ .
Weak breathing ȣ() ϴ.
Loves literature and the arts а Ѵ.
Loves traveling Ѵ.
Dislike being at home ִ ȾѴ.
Restless ޽ .
Not having many children ̸ ʴ´.
Hardworking Ѵ.
High spirited () .
Spendthrift ִ.


Thinks far with vision ǥ ´.
Easily influenced by kindness ģ Ѵ.
Polite and soft-spoken ϰ, ε巴 Ѵ.
Having lots of ideas ̵ dzϴ.
Sensitive ϴ.
Active mind Ȱ() .
Hesitating δ.
Tends to delay ϴ(ϴ) ִ.
Choosy and always wants the best ׻ ְ ϰ, .
Temperamental .
Funny and humorous ְ Ӱ ִ.
Loves to joke Ѵ.
Good debating skills ɷ .
Talkative . (ϱ⸦ Ѵ)
Daydreamer .
Friendly ģϴ.
Knows how to make friends  ģ ˰ ִ.
Abiding ġ ʴ´.
Able to show character ǥѴ.
Easily hurt ó޴´.
Prone to getting colds ⿡ ɸ ̴.
Loves to dress up Դ Ѵ.
Easily bored ܿѴ.
Fussy ٷӴ.
Seldom shows emotions ó ʴ´.
Takes time to recover when hurt óԾ ȸ ð ɸ.
Brand conscious ִ ǽ.
Executive õ̴.
Stubborn .


Fun to be with ִ.
Secretive н.
Difficult to fathom and to be understood ϰų ϱⰡ .
Quiet unless excited or tensed ϰ, ϰų ϴ .
Takes pride in oneself ο ̵尡 ִ.
Has reputation .
Easily consoled Ѵ.
Honest ϴ.
Concerned about people's feelings ٸ п Ѵ.
Tactful ġ ִ.
Friendly ģϴ.
Approachable ͱⰡ .
Emotional ̴.
Temperamental and unpredictable .
Moody and easily hurt ϰ ó޴´.
Witty and sparkly ͻ° ִ.
Not revengeful ̴.
Forgiving but never forgets 뼭, ʴ´.
Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things ġ ʰų ʿ ȾѴ.
Guides others physically and mentally ٸ , ȳѴ.
Caring and loving (𰡸) , Ѵ.
Treats others equally ٸ Ȱ Ѵ.
Strong sense of sympathy .
Wary and sharp ʰ, ϴ.
Judges people through observations ν ǴѴ.
Hardworking Ѵ.
No difficulties in studying ϴ ʴ´.
Loves to be alone ȥ Ѵ.
Always broods about the past and the old friends ſ ģ Ѵ.
Likes to be quiet Ѵ.
Homely person ̴.
Waits for friends ģ ٸ.
Never looks for friends ģ ãƳ ʴ´. (Ȥ, ãƳ ʿ䰡 )
Not aggressive unless provoked ڱ ʴ´.
Prone to having stomach and dieting problems Ŀ .
Loves to be loved ޴ Ѵ.
Easily hurt but takes long to recover óް ȸ ð ɸ.


Loves to joke ϴ Ѵ.
Attractive ŷ̴.
Suave and caring ϰ, .
Brave and fearless 밨ϰ .
Firm and has leadership qualities ϰ ɷ .
Knows how to console others  ٸ ϴ ȴ.
Too generous and egoistic ( ڸ, ڽſ) ʹ ϰ, ڱ ڴδ.
Takes high pride of oneself .
Thirsty for praises 翡 񸻶 Ѵ.
Extraordinary spirit ( ) ٸ .
Easily angered ȭ.
Angry when provoked øų ڱϸ, ȭ .
Easily jealous Ѵ.
Observant ǰ .
Careful and cautious ɽ ϴ.
Thinks quickly .
Independent thoughts ´.
Loves to lead and to be led ϱ⸦, Ȥ DZ⸦ Ѵ.
Loves to dream ޲ٴ Ѵ.
Talented in the arts, music and defense , , ׸  ִ.
Sensitive but not petty , ʴ.
Poor resistance against illnesses 鿪 ϴ.
Learns to relax ޽ϴ Ѵ.
Hasty and rusty ϰ, .
Romantic θƽϴ.
Loving and caring (𰡸) ϰ, .
Loves to make friends ģ Ѵ.


Suave and compromising ϰ, ŸѴ.
Careful, cautious and organized ɼ , ϸ ȹ̴.
Likes to point out people's mistakes ٸ Ǽ .
Likes to criticize ϱ⸦ Ѵ.
Quiet but able to talk well ְ ϴ ɷ ִ.
Calm and cool ϰ ϴ.
Concerned and detailed ϸ, ϴ.
Trustworthy, loyal and honest ŷ ϰ, 漺 ϴ.
Does work well Ѵ.
Very confident ڽŰ ִ.
Sensitive ϴ.
Thinking ̴.
generous ϴ.
Good memory .
Clever and knowledgeable Ұ dzϴ.
Loves to look for information ã Ѵ.
Must control oneself when criticizing ٸ ڽ ʿ䰡 ִ.
Able to motivate oneself ڱ ȴ.
Understanding ؽ .
Fun to be around , ִ.
Secretive н.
Loves sports, leisure and traveling  , Ѵ.
Hardly shows emotions 巯 ʴ´.
Tends to bottle up feelings ﴩ ִ.
Choosy especially in relationships (ΰ)踦 Ưϰ .
Loves wide things () ͵ Ѵ.
Systematic ̴.


Loves to chat ȭϱ(ٶ) Ѵ.
Loves those who loves him ڽ ִ Ѵ.
Loves to takes things at the center  ִ ϴ Ѵ.
Attractive and suave ŷ̸, ϴ.
Inner and physical beauty ü Ƹ.
Does not lie or pretend ϰų ٹ ʴ´.
Sympathetic .
Treats friends import!!antly ģ ߿ϰ Ѵ.
Always making friends ׻ ģ .
Easily hurt but recovers easily ó, ȸѴ.
Daydreamer ̴.
Opinionated ϰϴ. (ڱ ʴ´)
Does not care of what others think ٸ  ϴ Ű澲 ʴ´.
Emotional ̴.
Decisive ȣϴ. (ܷ ִ)
Strong clairvoyance ϴ.
Loves to travel, the arts and literature , Ѵ.
Soft-spoken, loving and caring ε巴 ϸ, ϰ, .
Romantic θƽϴ.
Touchy and easily jealous ϸ, ϱ .
Concerned .
Loves outdoors ߿ܸ Ѵ.
Just and fair ̰ ϴ.
Spendthrift and easily influenced , ޴´. (ȭȴ)
Easily lose confidence ڽŰ Ҵ´.
Loves children ̵ Ѵ.


Has a lot of ideas ̵ dzϴ.
Difficult to fathom ϱ ƴ.
Thinks forward ̷ Ѵ.
Unique and brilliant Ưϰ ȭϴ.
Extraordinary ideas ߻.
Sharp thinking .
Fine and strong clairvoyance ϰ .
Can become good doctors ǻ簡 ִ.
Dynamic in personality ̴.
Secretive н.
Inquisitive ȣ ϴ.
Knows how to dig secrets ij ˰ ִ.
Always thinking ׻ Ѵ.
Less talkative but amiable , Ӽ ִ.
Brave and generous 밨ϰ, ϴ.
Patient γ ִ.
Stubborn and hard-hearted .
If there is a will, there is a way ٶٸ, س.
Determined ȣϴ.
Never give up ʴ´.
Hardly becomes angry unless provoked ڱ ȭ ʴ´.
Loves to be alone ȥ ֱ⸦ Ѵ.
Thinks differently from others ٸ ٸ Ѵ.
Sharp-minded ϴ.
Motivates oneself (ٸ ) ڱѴ.
Does not appreciates praises Ī() ʴ´.
High-spirited () .
Well-built and tough ߰ϰ, ĥ.
Deep love and emotions .
Romantic θƽϴ.
Uncertain in relationships (ΰ)谡 ȣϴ.
Homely ϴ.
Hardworking Ѵ.
High abilities ɷ .
Trustworthy ŷ ϴ.
Honest and keeps secrets ϰ Ų.
Not able to control emotions ϴ Ұϴ.
Unpredictable .


Loyal and generous 漺 , ϴ.
Patriotic ֱ .
Active in games and interactions Ӱ ȣ ۿ뿡 Ȱϴ.
Impatient and hasty ϰ, ϴ.
Ambitious ߽ɰ̴.
Influential in organizations .
Fun to be with Բ ִ.
Loves to socialize ȸ Ȱ Ѵ.
Loves praises Ī Ѵ.
Loves attention Ѵ.
Loves to be loved ޴ Ѵ.
Honest and trustworthy ϰ ŷ ϴ.
Not pretending ġ ʴ´.
Short tempered Ҷ ִ.
Changing personality ϴ . ( )
Not egoistic ̱ ʴ.
Take high pride in oneself .
Hates restrictions ȾѴ.
Loves to joke ϱ⸦ Ѵ.
Good sense of humor .
Logical ̴.

ڸƮ 6 [ũ] [õ]
ȸ ۾
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