ϸ Ű ο  ..!!

ID/PW ã ' ͸' ȸ
Բߴ ԽԴϴ. Խ ̵Ϸ Ŭϼ!

     :   ϴ ̵𿡰 ǷϽ ѱ : 2009.12.04 (Fri) 11:43:52 PM  
 ۼ : No. 759837  õ : 0  ȸ : 251 

*ٰ ÷ Ǵ° 𸣰ڳ׿.


- ؼ մϴ.

-Ϸ 8 ̸, Ҵ , ݷ ̸, ݷ ڰ ̴ ϴ.(! Ϸ ޶ ּ~)

-ݼ۵Ǿ 찡 ־. ׷ ׷ ȷ Ϸ ٽ .

-׷ Ʒ Ȯ ɴϴ(̵ ε^^~)

-𰡰 ϸ Ӹ ÷ؼ ޶ մϴ.( ̸ Ծ ־ ٽ ޶ ϴ^^)

Dear Youn Jung,

Thank you for sending the information about your name and

your cat's name.  Heidi has added your cat to her

Reiki sessions, and will do your reading as soon as possible.

With blessings,



̸ ̸ ༭ , ̵ ̸ ߾. ž~ູ ֱ⸦

-Ͼơ ȿɴϴ١.


to heidi

i'm younjung to request a cat's binoo.

i'm waiting for your mail everyday everytime.

i think you're really really very busy, but i requested you it to represent our group(140,000 people) in korea.

And they are waiting for my answer.

pleas let me know when i get your mail

thank you

With blessings



񴩷 Ƿߴ Դϴ.

ϸ 亯 ٸ ֽϴ.

̵𾾴 ٻڽŰ ϴ.

ִ 14 Ƹ ȸ

亯 ٸ ִϴ.

亯 ˷ֽñ ٶϴ.


- Խϴ.

̵ ļ ־ ϳ׿.

׸ Ƿڸ ׳ ̵𿡰 ְڴٰ ߽ϴ.

ٽ ϴ. տ ٸ ִµ ߰ Ⱑ ؼ^^;;;

so many korean want to request you, to watch the TV (sbs)

but they who don't know english is too difficult and complicate to request you.

so when i request you and get your answer, i'll tell them that imformation.

these are very helpful for so many korean who don't know how they request you.

it is not important that i request you something for to reprsent our friend.

that is not fair to them, requested you early than me.

i hope sincerely that your famly bring back to health.

thank you for your kindness..

ѱε sbs ̵𿡰 Ƿϱ⸦ ϰ ֽϴ.

 𸣴 ѱο ̵𿡰 Ƿϴ ſ ư մϴ.

׷ ̵𿡰 Ƿؼ ؼ ׷쿡 ˷ֱ ߽ϴ.

̰ ̵𿡰 Ƿϱ⸦ 𸣴 ѱε鿡 ɰŶ մϴ.

ǥ ´ٴ ߿ϰ .

Ƿ 鿡 װ Ұ Դϴ.

׸ ̵ ǰ⸦ ٶϴ.


-׷ ¥ ȿ׿!!

ٸٰ ٽ ϴ.

̹ ϰԡ..

ٰ װ͸̶ ˷޶.

׷ ּ.

Dear YounJung,

Thank you for understanding about my crazy schedule and the waiting list

for having a reading.

.I am sorry that it took so long to get to your lovelycat, Binoo.  I love talking to kittens.

I am attaching the reading..

I'm sure you will be able to read it, but I always like to explain the notes.

H> Is when I ask something of Binoo.

B> Is the response I got from Binoo.

And, when I get other images or impressions, I also write those down, and

do my best to explain, and they are inside [brackets].

I really do want every person to be satisfied.

If you have questions about the reading, please feel free to ask.  


I am always concerned when I do not have an interpreter.

I try to use clear English, but if I slipped and used some American expression! that is not clear, I will be happy to explain it.

As Willow has told you, I have been working to help all my current aanimal clients before going to Japan this weekend.

If you have questions, I will answer them just as soon as I am able.

I do take my computer with me, but of course, I can not work on my computer

while I am working with the animals in Japan.

Blessings to you, Binoo, and all your family for a great holiday season.




ĥ ٻ ٰ û Ʈ ִٴ ༭

̻ ϻ 񴩶 ؼ . Ʋ̶ ϴ ϴµФ

÷ϲ->Ѵٴ Ű.

ϰ ְ~ ۾ ϴ .

> 񴩿 ؼ 

> 񴩴

׸ ٸ ̹ װ͵ ޾ƾ ּ Ϸ ء ׵ ̴ ͵鵵 .

¥ Ű ʹ~

̰ 


 Ǽϰų ̱ ǥ Ǹ Ⲩ װ ٰ.

ο찡 ߴٽ ̹ ָ Ϻ ϰ ־.

 ٷ ֲ.(ģϽñ!! ϴ°ɷ ˰ ִµ!!)

ǻ͸ Ϻ ϴ ȿ ǻ ó .

񴩶 ı̶ . ȳ.


- Ʒ ̵ ÷ Ϸ ذ̴ϴ.

Client:  YounJung Kwak    (S.Korea)

Animal:  Binoo  cat   6 months old in Nov. 09

Case Notes:

11.02.09 – Recd email, questions, and payment via PayPal.

11.03.09 – Willow checked email, found info about.

                     Willow emailed, asked about photos.

                     Later, found email in bulk file with photos.

                     Willow started hand file.

11.05.09 – Reviewing current case files.

                     Heidi has numerous clients ahead of this one.

11.11.09 – YounJung emailed, asked about reading.

                     -Willow emailed back, let her know that Heidi was working

                     on an emergency all day, family member in hospital,

                     and Heidi had been doing Reiki for that person.

                     Willow said that we intend to send out readings tomorrow

                     and that she would let Heidi know YoungJung emailed.

11.12.09 – YoungJung emailed back, said many Korean people waiting for readings.

11.13.09-  Reiki – Heidi did Reiki for Binoo, done with the group of current active clients.

11.18.09 – Reiki – done with group of current clients.

11.20.09 – Heidi reviewed active files.

                     Note: Heidi is doing her best to work with all clients before

                     she has to leave for Japan.  

11.23.09 – Reviewing files.other clients still ahead of this one.

                 Reiki for Binoo (done with group of current clients).

11.26.09- Thanksgiving holiday.   Heidi is taking a day off.  

                     Willows note:  This is the first day off Heidi has taken in months

                     where she will not work with any animals.  

11.27.09 – (Friday) Checked current files, others ahead of this one.

11.28.09- (Saturday)  Heidi working with other animals.

11.29.09 – (Sunday) We are checking files every day now, trying to work with all clients

           before she has to leave for Japan.  Other clients still ahead of this one.

           Heidi working with other animals today.

11.30.09 – Checked files.

              -Reiki for Binoo, done with group.

12.01.09 – Reiki  

     -AC:  Quick check in with Binoo.  

                                Binoo felt basically ok.

                                Her mood was good, I could hear her purring.

                                I felt some sort of itch on my body.

                                          I reviewed the file, there is a health

                                          issue about dermatitis or skin condition.

                                Binoo said that she does not like the water, and it

                                does not make her feel better, that she still itches.

                                I asked Binoo about the peeing on the mat.

                                She said she is trying to mark the mat as her territory.

                                She said it is something in the bath that she can control,

                                even if she can not control the water.

           Later today I will be doing a full session

           Scroll down for full notes.

񴩿 üũ

Ҹ ִ

ٽú ǰ ̻ ִ δ Ǻκ..

񴩰 ϱ 񴩴 ȾѴٰ Ѵ ׸ װ ׳ ʰ

⸸ ϴ.

񴩿 Ʈ ϴ ô

׳డ ϱ ׳ Ʈ ڽ ǥϷ Ѵٰ Ѵ

׳డ ϱ ׳డ ִ װ ִٰ, ׳డ ..

̵ ü ſ

Ʒ ũ ؿ ü Ʈ .

Questions sent from YounJung:

First impressions:

           I hear Binoo purring again.

           She feels like a playful kitten.   I just checked her birth date, and she is

           just about 6 months old now.

           Binoo said I was here before, and I believe she means she was reincarnated.

           There is some sort of red looks like a bright red, and I think it is either

           dangled on a string or there is a string attached to the toy.   I see the red color,

           and get the feeling to pounce on it.


񴩰 Ÿ° ٽ ִ

׳ Ȱ . ׳ Ȯ߰ ׳ 6̴

񴩰 ϱ ' ⿡ ־' ׸ ׳డ ڽ ȯ ϴ ̶ ϴ´.

峭 ... װ ٿ ޷ְų Ǵ 峭 ޸ ׷Ͱ. ̰ Ȯ ޷°

(Ϲ 峭 Ұ Ƽ ƴ κ Ʈ ֽ 㵹̶ϴ. þ־ )

B> I like to climb! ö󰡴° ؿ!

H> I am glad you are talking to me.

           May I continue? ʶ ϰԵǾ ڱ ص ɱ?

B> Yes, YounJung keeps looking at me and trying to find out what I am thinking.

, Ĵٺ ϴ ˾Ƴ ؿ

           She gets upset if I am violent or hiss.

׳ ̰ų Ҹ Ҹ ȭ

H> Well, it is not fun if a cat hisses.  You then become like a little lion.

, ̰ ׷Ҹ ° ʴܴ. ʰ ׷Ҹ ڰ ǰŵ.

B> I like that. װ .

H> Lions are great, but you need to be good to people.

ڴ ٵ ʴ ؾ ʿ䰡 ־

           Squirming is ok, but there comes a time when you need to let your

           person take care of you.

ϴ° , ʰ ʸ ξ ϴ ð ִܴ.

B> I dont like it. ׷ Ⱦ

           [She sounds like a little kid.] 񴩴  ؿ

B> I am a little kid!  ̿.

H> You do feel very young to me. 

           Binoo, may I do a body scan on you? 񴩾 ĵغ ɱ?

           I want to try to feel what you do, so I can see about your health.

ʰ ϴ ; ׷ ǰ¸ ְ.

B> How do you do that.  ؿ

H> I focus my mind, and try to feel what your body does, as if I am inside your

           body.  Then I also try to look inside your body, like an x-ray.

ϰ ,  ϴ°, ȿ ִ° ó.

׸ Ѵܴ. ó!

B> Are you a doctor? ǻΰ?

H> No. ƴ

B> Then why do you look? ٵ ?

H> Well, if I am able to pick up on things and tell people how you feel, then a

           doctor will know, and they use their training to help you.

           Also, it lets your people, YounJung, know how you feel.

װ, ˾Ƴ 鿡 ʰ  ˷ָ, ǻ鵵 ˰Ű ׷ ׵ ʸ ٰŶ. ׸, ʰ  ˷شܴ.

B> Can you see inside me? ־?

H> Well, I look.  I often see things.  it is not perfect, but I dont have to do anything

           like an x-ray, so it is easier for us both.

           May I do it?

, . . Ϻ ó ʾƵ .׷ 츮 Ѵ . ص ɱ?

B> Yes.

H> Thank you. .

Scanning.. дߡ.

When I first tuned into Binoo, she felt young, alive, healthy, and good.

Then I felt an itching feeling about my face, and on my back, along the spine.

ó ¸ , ׳ , Ȱϰ, ǰϰ ƺ.

׷ ״ , ô߸ .

I just got the word  allergy.

           I feel like she is allergic to something.

           Now I see cans of cat food, and then get a numb feeling on my tongue.


񴩰 ˷ ִ° ƿ.

ĵǪ尡 ̰ ׸ ƹ ȳ° . (ణ ȴ̶

H> I feel like she is allergic to something? 񴩾 Ŀ ˷ ִ° ?

B>I think so. ׷Űƿ.

           It tastes funny, then I dont feel very well. ̻ϰ.. ° ƿ.

H> Can you show me the food? ְڴ?

B>      [No words, but I get the image of a small round can.

                     This looks like a usual can of cat food.

                     I am trying to see the lable, but there are characters.

                     I cant read it.   But I think there is pink on the lable.

ƹ . ׶ ĵ δ.

׳ ĵ δ.

ǥ ϴµ ٸ Ư¡ .

ȫ ǥΰ .

H> Binoo, are you allergic to all the food you have been given?

񴩾, ± Ŀ ˷ ִ° ?

B> No, some of it is fine. ƴϿ  Ҿ

H> OK.  I think one of the questions YounJung has is about food, so I will ask you

           more about this later.

˰ھ. ߴ ߿ ϳ Ŀ Ѱſ ׷ .

( 񴩰 ó ĵ ̸ ȵǴ° 𸣰 ̰ Կ  ĵ ãھ ̤ ư ȫ ĵ ̹~)

(Continuing scan.) ĵߡ.

           [I got the image of Binoo, and she was getting a bath.  She was all wet, and

           very annoyed.  She does not like being all wet, and she is afraid of being cold.]

[ ̹ ޾Ұ ׳ ϰ ־. ׳ , ¥ ׸ ߿ſ ϰ־]

           [I keep tasting something.this is like a metallic taste.  Then my tongue feels

           numb again.  Then I see a can of cat food.]

[  ־...̰ ƿ. ٽ ̿. ׸ ĵ Ǫ尡 ]

I am picking up on something with the urethraitch?  Burning during urination?  ask about UTI.

For the rest of her body, all looks and feels all right to me.  Of course, this is not perfect science, I can only say what I see.  But she looks like a normal kitty, especially for her age.

䵵.... ̷ſ Ѱ . ܴ °? UTI(䵵õȺε) . ٸ ƿ. , Ϻ ƴ, °͸ ־. ׳ ׳ ƿ.

( ̶ ù .)

H> Thank you, Binoo, for letting me look at you. 񴩾 ʸ ༭ .

B> I dont want YounJung to be upset. ȭ° ʾƿ.

H> I am glad you care about her.

           She cares about you very much.

ʰ ׳ฦ ִ° ڱ. ׳ ʸ û Ѵܴ.

           Binoo, as I tune into your body, you feel young.

           And your mood and energy feel like a normal young kitten.

           But then, every once in a while, you seem like a much older cat.

           Can you tell me about this?

񴩾 üũغó  .

׸ ûҳ⹦.

׷ ʹ ..

̰ſ ְڴ?

                     [I just got the image of a black, tuxedo style cat.

                     This cat seems to be Binoo.  I think this may be her in another life.??]

[ , νõ ̹ ޾Ҵ. ̰ . Ƹ ̰ ׳ ٸ ]

B> I have glimpses of other times. ٸ ð ¦ .

H>Do you mean other lives? ٸ λ ǹϴ°Ŵ?

B> Yes, I think so.

           But I am young now, so I want to enjoy this.

. ׷ ƿ. . ׷ϱ װ ؿ.

H>All right.

           Are there other cats living with you now?

˰ھ. ٸ ̵ ִ?

B> No.  Why do you ask? ƴϿ. ֹ?

H> I keep getting images of other cats, and was not sure if I was getting this

           from you, or other cats.

ٸ ̵ ŵ. ٵ ̰ ׼ ̹ ٸ ׼ ° Ȯ ʾƼ.

B> Oh, ok. ˰ھ


1)  Why does my cat keep peeing on my bath mat?

츮 ̰ Ʈ ?

B> I dont like it in there. ű ȿ Ⱦ

H> Where, the bath room?,ȭ?

B> Yes.

H> Why dont you like the bathroom? ȭ Ⱦ?

B> I dont like the water. Ⱦ.

H>Why dont you like the water? ʴ?

B> I dont want to be all the way wet. ° ʾƿ. Ǻε ߿.

           My skin gets cold.

H> So, why do you pee on the mat? ׷ Ʈ δ°ž?

B> It is something I can control.װ Ʈ Ҽ ִ Űŵ.

           [I got the image of a person picking her up, and she feels like there is

           little she can do.   I see a tan colored tub or basin.  I hear water running.

           Then I get the feeling of anxiety, and wanting to get out.]

[ ׳ฦ ø ׳ ׳డ ִ° ° . ߰ δ. Ҹ 鸰. ׸ Ҿ԰ .]

(!!츮 ߱ ̴ٴ;;;)

H> Binoo, I am sorry that you dont like the bath.

           But YounJung said it is because of your skin condition.

           She would not annoy you on purpose. She is trying to take care of you.

񴩾 ʰ ȾѴٴ ̱.

׷ ׷µ װ Ǻλ¶ ׷Ŷ.

Ϻη ʸ ȭ ϴ° ƴϾ. ׳ ʸ ϴ°ž.

B> I dont like it. Ⱦ.

H> I understand that you dont like it.

           And, when YounJung reads this, she will know that you dont like it.

           I am sure that she already knows you dont like the baths.

           But there is no reason to pee on the bath mat.

ʰ Ⱦϴ° . ׸ ̰ ׳ ʰ ȴٴ° ˰Եɰž.

ʰ Ⱦϴ° ˰

ٵ Ʈ ݾ

B>       [She has gone quiet] 񴩡.

H> Binoo, what can we do to help you keep the bath mat clean?

񴩾 츮  ȭ Ʈ ϰ ɱ?

B> I dont know. .

H> Do you pee on the mat because you are angry? ʰ ȭ Ʈ ܴ°ž?

B>       [Before I could finish typing that last question, I got the emotion of

           satisfaction, like she did something devious.]

[ Ÿϱ . ġ ׳డ  ൿ Ѱó.]

H> So, do you pee on the mat to complain about the baths?

׷ Ʈ ܴ°ɷ ϴ°ž?

B> Yes.

H> I understand.

           But, does peeing on the mat stop the baths?

˰ھ ٵ Ʈ Ѵٰ ׸ϵ?

B> No! ƴ!

           [She sounds angry, and pouty] ȭ

H> Well, since YounJung knows you dont like the bath, and peeing on the mat

           does not stop the bath, there is no reason to do it.

, Ⱦϴ° Ʈ ٰܴ Ű ׷ ؾ ݾ.

B> I dont like the litter. ȭ Ⱦ.

H> Why not? ?

B> I dont like the way it feels between my toes.

           And I dont like the smell.

߰ ̿ Ⱦ ׸ Ȱ.

( ź ־䡦;;)

H> All right, I can understand that.

           Would you like YounJung to try a different kind of litter?

˰ھ ٸ ȭ ھ?

B> I guess so. ׷ ƿ. װ ?

           Would that stop the water?

H> I dont think so.  The water is to treat your skin condition.

ƴҲ.. Ǻλ¸ ġϱ Ѱž.

B>       [No words, but she feels annoyed still]

ƹ . ¥

H> Binoo, the mat is in your house, correct?񴩾 Ʈ ȿ ?

B> Yes.

H> Do you want to live in a dirty house? ʹ?

B> No. ƴϿ.

H> Then you need to keep it clean. ׷ ϰ ؾ

           You need to keep the mat clean. ϰ Ʈ ϰ ؾ

           You need to pee where you are supposed to, either in the box

           or outside. ʰ ؾ ؾߵ, ڽȿ ƴ ۿٰ.

B> I dont go outside much. ۿ ȳ

H> All right, then you need to use the box and keep the mat clean.

           Will you at least try?

˰ھ ׷ ڽ ̿ؾߵ ׸ Ʈ ϰ. ּ ̶ غ?

B> I dont know. 𸣰ھ.

H> Binoo, YounJung has taken you in.

           Would you like her to pee in your bed?

񴩾 ݾ. ħ뿡 ھ?

B> No! Ⱦ!

H> Do you want her to pee where you walk?

ʰ ɾٴϴ ϸ ھ?

B> No! ƴϿ!

H> Well, then you need to pee in your box, and keep the mat clean.

           The mat is where YounJung walks.

׷ ڽٰ ؾߵ ׸ Ʈ . Ʈ ɾٴϴ ̾.

B> Oh. .

[ ߴ. ġ 񴩰 غ ó]

           [She said that in a quiet tone, like she had not thought of it that way before.]

H> Is there something you like to do? ʰ ϴ° ִ?

B> I like to play games. ϴ° ؿ.

           I like to sneak, and pounce. ó ϴ°!

H> Well, how about if you keep the mat clean, then YounJung will have more time

           to play with you and spend less time cleaning the mat.

           So, if you want to play, you need to keep the mat clean.

ʰ Ʈ ϸ ð ž Ʈ ûϴµ ð ̰. ׷ϱ Ʈ ϰ .

B> Oh.

2) Is she ok?  Im worried about her health.

׳ ? ǰ ǿ

H> Binoo, how do you feel? 񴩾 ?

B> I am all right. ƿ.

H> Do you have any pain anywhere? ° ִ?

B> Not really.

           Sometimes it burns when I pee. ƴ . ܴ Ŀ

H> All right.  Is this all the time? ˰ھ. ׻ ׷?

B>No. ƴ

H> Is the burning really painful, or do you just notice it? û ƴ ׳ ?

B>I just notice it.׳ ƴ .

H> Does it feel like it is from your pee coming out, or is it on your skin there?

ö ° ƴ ׳ Ǻΰ °Ű?

B> I think it is the skin. Ǻΰƿ

H> All right.

           When you pee, does your bottom touch the litter or ground?

˰ھ. Ҷ ű ̳ 𷡿 ?

B> Sometimes.

H> OK, when you pee, try to keep your bottom from touching, ok?

           Try to keep your bottom above the litter.

˰ھ. Ҷ ȴ ˰? 𷡺 ְ

B> Why? ֿ?

H> It is possible that you are allergic to the litter, or that something is getting

           on your bottom area and causing the irritation.

ʰ 𷡿 ˷Ⱑ ְ ƴ  Ʒʿ  ϴ°ϼ ־

B> Oh.  I can stay up. Ҽ ־


(̶ ķ 񴩴 Ϻ չ ϳ . 츮 װ µ ־;;;)

B> Are you going to talk to YounJung? Ұſ?

H> Sort of.  I am going to send her all my notes.

           So she will see what we have talked about.

׷ Ҽ. Ʈ ž. ׸ 츮 ȭ ְԵɰž.

B>Tell her I love her. Ѵٰ ֱּ.

           I am sorry if I am pesky sometimes.  But I love to play.

ؼ ̾ϴٰ ּ. ° ؿ

H> I will. ٰ

(桦dz ̡.̤)

3) Is she scared of seeing a doctor?  Sometimes she becomes a violent animal in the

         Hospital.  But I want to let her know that I should take her to a hospital for having her          disease treated.

ǻ ηϳ? 񴩰 ؿ. 񴩰 ġ ߸ Ѵٴ° ˾ ؿ.

B> I dont like the water there.

           And it smells.

           I dont like the shampoo.

           And the woman gets annoyed.

ű Ⱦ ׸ . Ǫ Ȱ ڰ ¥

                     [I got the image of a younger woman, in scrubs, at a hospital.

                     This woman is a bit overweight, with a full face.  She has hair

                     that is at least shoulder length.

                     I have the image of her holding Binoo by the scruff of the neck.

                     I think she is afraid of Binoo scratching her, but she also feels

                     annoyed at the cat.  I think that dealing with Binoo makes her

                     uncomfortable, so she is not so tender about it.]

[ ڰ ִ. ڴ ణ ׶ϴ. Ӹī ִ. ׳డ ̸ ִ. ׳ 񴩰 ׳ฦ ° ϰִ. ׳ ̿ ¥ ִ. 񴩸 ٷ° ׳ ϰ ־ ε巴 ʴ° .]

( 񴩸 븮 ı . 񴩴 ¾ ڶ. ¾ Ǻκݿ ־ ߴ. ̵𿡰 ް ȭ غþ. ȣ ٹϰ ô.̵ ǷѴٰ ظ ؿ)

H> Binoo, if you scratched or hissed, or became violent with me, I may feel the same.

񴩾 ʰ ų Ͼ ϰų Ѵٸ Ȱ ž.

B> But I dont like it! ٵ ȴٰ!

H> Binoo, I know you are a young kitten, but you must not hurt humans.

           If you wish to have a good long life, living indoors, and never being

           cold, hungry, or sick, then you must give a little.   You must let the

           humans take care of you.   So you need to tolerate the bath.

񴩾, ʰ  ̶° ʴ ļ ȵ. ʰ Ͱ ȿ ʰ ʰ ʰ ʵ ؾߵ. ʵ ؾ. ״ϱ 嵵 ƾߵ.

B> I dont like it! Ⱦ!

H> Would you tolerate it better if YounJung were able to give you the bath

           at home?

Ű ݴ ְڴ?

B> Maybe.  That sounds better to me. Ƹ װ ƿ.

H>What if YounJung were able to give you a gentle bath, and you were supported,

           and then you were allowed to run all over the bathroom?

           You may have fun leaving little wet footprints in the bathroom, while you

           dry.  Then, you could make a fun time of the bath.

           And it would be easy for YounJung to wipe up the floor afterwards.

࿡ Ű ʵ ׷ ȭ پٳ൵ ɲ?

µ ణ ߹ٴ ̸ ȭǿ °͵ ž. ׷ 嵵 մ ð . ׸ ׵ ߿ ٴ ۴° ž.

B> Would YounJung let me do that? ׷ ϰ ѱ?

H> I dont know.

           I will have to ask.

           There may be a reason that I do not know about for you having to have

           the bath at the vet hospital.  But, if it is just a medicated shampoo, it might

           be easier, and more fun for everyone, if you were able to have the treatment

           at your home.

Would you like to try that?



Ƹ Ѱſؼ 𸣴° ־. װ Ǫٸ ž ο հ, ʰ װ ϰԸ شٸ.

׷ غ?


B> I think so. ׷Կ Ƹ

H> All right.  I will ask.  Binoo, I cannot promise anything.

           If you are not able to do this at home, you must be a good kitty at

           the hospital.  If you are good, it will go fast, and be over sooner.

˰ھ. . 񴩾 ټ ִ° ƹ͵ . װ ̰ ̰ Ǿߵ. ʰ ϰ ž.

B> Well, I dont like it. .

H> Hey, I dont like having to go to the chiropractor, but it is needed.

           I do what the doctor says, the treatment is done faster.

           You need to do the same.

л ° ¿. ǻ簡 ϶´ ϰ ġᵵ .

ʵ Ȱ ؾߵ.

B>       [It feels like she is pouting a bit.] ణ

4) Is she lonely now?

񴩴 ܷο?

H> Binoo, are you lonely? 񴩾 ܷӴ?

B> What do you mean? ̿?

H> Are you lonely?  Do you want another animal friend? ܷӳİ, ٸ ģ ־ ڴ?

B> I dont know. 𸣰ھ.

           Sometimes I wish I could play more.

           But the people dont always play.

ڴµ ׻ ʾƿ.

H> Do you want to have another animal friend? ٸ ģ ڴ?

B> I dont think so. ƴ ο.

H> So, overall, you are all right? ׷ ׳ ?

B> Yes, I am good at games. . ̸ ƿ.

           I play by myself if there is nothing else to do. ƹ͵ Ұ ȥ ƿ.

H>Good.  My kitten does too. , ̵ ׷.

B> What does she do? ̵ ̴ ؿ?

H>She pounces on things. Ȯ ϴ° .

B>Do you play with her? ̵ ׳ ƿ?

H> I do, as much as I can.

           But I cannot be there all day long.

           So I give her attention when I am able to.

           And I talk to her every time I see her.


ٵ Ϸ ű

׷ ׳ Ϸ.

׸ ׳ dz

B> Can I meet her? ׳ฦ ֳ?

H> No, I am sorry.

           She is here in America, and you are on the other side of the world.

ƴ,̾ϴ. ׳ ̱־ ׸ ʴ ݴ ְ.

B>Are you coming here? ðǰ?

H> I am going to Japan in a few days.

           But I am going by myself.

           My animal friends stay home.

ִٰ Ϻ.


ģ ž.

B>Do you talk to them?

H> Yes, I talk to them all the time.

           Binoo, I would like to focus on your questions, is that all right?

׻ ׵ . 񴩾 ϰ ?

B>But you are talking to me now. ٵ ϰ ݾƿ

H>Well, what I mean is that I would like to keep asking the questions that

           YounJung sent.

, ϰ ص dzĴ°ž

B> Ok. ƿ.

           [She sounds perky, energetic.purring.] Ҹ ġ ~

H> Are you all right then, not lonely? ׷ ȿܷο?

B> Yes, I am fine. ƿ.

H> Good.


5) Is she afraid of taking a bath?

         But she should frequently take a bath because of herdermatosis.  

         How should I explain it to her?

񴩰 ϴ° ϳ?

񴩴 Ǻκ ؾϴµ

ؾ Ҽ ?

B> I dont want to talk about baths or water any more!

̶ ؼ ׸ ϰ ;!

H> I understand that you dont like the bath.

           And we have talked about them being necessary.

           But do they scare you?

ʰ Ⱦϴ° ˰ھ ׸ 츮 ̹ װ ʿ伺 ̾߱

ٵ ̶ ?

B> Not really.  I just dont like it. ο ׳ Ⱦ

H> All right.  ˰ھ

B> I dont like being tricked. Ӵ° Ⱦ

H> Do you mean about baths? 忡 Ѱ ̴?

B> Yes.

H> OK.  I can let YounJung know this.

           Do you think that she tries to trick you about the baths?

˰ھ Ұ. ʰ Ҷ 忡 ̴°Ű?

B> Sometimes.

           Her voice changes.

. Ҹ ϰŵ

(OTL.Ӱ ִ ˾Ҵµ..)

H> Do you understand that you only get the baths because it is for your health?

ǰ ϴ° ?

B> Yes. .

6) What food does she prefer?

         What kind of brand does she like?

ϴ İ, ǥ.

H> Binoo, what food do you want? 񴩾  ϴ?

B> I like chicken. ߰Ⱑ ƿ.

           [I got the image of what looks like basic cooked chicken.  This could be

           baked, and the skin is off.  It is just white meat chicken.

           Now I see fish.

           This is a whole baked fish, like people would eat.]

߰ ̹ Դϴ. , ֽϴ. ׳ ġŲԴϴ. ׸ Դϴ. Դ Ͱ °..

H> Do you like your cat food? ᵵ ϴ?

B> I like it, but after I eat it I dont feel right. ٵ ԰ ׸ ʾƿ.

           I want a mouse. 㸦 ԰ ;.

           I want warm meat. Ⱑ ƿ.

H> How do you know about a mouse? 㿡 ؼ  ˾?

B> The other cats told me.ٸ ̰ .

H> What other cats? ?

B> At the hospital. .

           [I got the image of a large, orange and white striped tabby.]

ū ׺ ̹ Դϴ.

(̺κп . ٴϴ 쿡 º ̰ TNRĿ ְŵ.)

H> Would you like to have different foods? ٸ ԰ ?

B> I want some chicken, and fish. ġŲ ̿.

(. 񴩴 ߰ ̿.)

H>All right, anything else? ׷ ٸ?

B> I am not sure. 𸣰ھ.

H> Is there a brand of food that you like now? ϰ ϴ ǰ 귣尡 ִ?

B>       [No words, again I get the image of a can of cat food.

           I think this one has green on the lable.  But I cant read the lable.]

ϴ. ĵ ᰡ Դϴ. ʷϻ پִµ ׿.

H> Do you like dry food, or wet food? ǻᰡ ᰡ ?

B> I like wet food better. Ⱑ ִ ƿ.

H> Is there a brand that makes you feel better? ִ ǰ ǥ ?

B>       [No words, but I see a label that has green on it again.]

, ʷ ٽ ̳׿.

7) Does she feel uncomfortable while sleeping at her house?

ڴ° ʴ.

B> Yes, I like it there.

           I feel like I can hide there.

ƴ, ƿ. ű ɿ.

H> Do you want YounJung to pee in your house? ߸ ڴ?

B>No! ƴ!

H> Then you should not pee on her bath mat.

׷ ʵ Ʈ 뺯 ȵȴܴ.

B> is she going to pee in my house?


H> No.  I was just trying to make a point.

ƴ, ׳  ˷ٷ Ѱž.

B>That wasnt funny. .

H> Neither is you peeing on the mat. ϰ Ʈ ϴ ͵ ׷.

B> Oh. ơ

8) Is she happy with me now?

         I want to make her happy.

׳ ູѰ..

B> Yes, I like It here. Ⱑ ƿ.

           There was a cat a the hospital that told me how good it is to have a home.

̰ ִٴ 󸶳 .

H> Do you have anything that you want to ask of YounJung?


B> Can I have the baths at home? ص ſ?

H> That is up to her.

           But when she reads this she will know you have asked about it.

           She loves you, so I think that she will try this if it is possible.

װ 翡 ޷ִܴ. ٵ ȭ ϰ ׷ ôٴ° ˰ ɰž.

, õ غ .

B> Can I have some chicken? ġŲ ?

H> I will ask. 

H> Do you want to do anything? ϰ ϰ ִ?

B> I like to play! ̰ ƿ!

           I want to play with the strings.

           Oh, and I like the moon!

           I want to be able to see the moon.

           I like the smell of grass.

           I would like to walk on grass.

, ޵ ؿ. ־ ھ. Ǯ ϱ. ܵ Ȱ ;.

H> Do you have a favorite toy? ϴ 峭?

B> I like the swatting and pouncing toy. ô배 ִ 峭 ƿ.

           [ImageI see a red toy again, with a string.

                     Now this looks like  a ribbon or piece of yarn being pulled along the floor

                     so Binoo can stalk it and pounce on it.]

޸ 峭 ٽ Դϴ. ׸ ̳ н ٴڿ ηִ ͵ ̱. 񴩰 ޷ ֳϴ.

( 񴩰 ؼ ȭ ٴڿ þ ٳ Ϻη^^;)

           [Image: shorter couch or sofa this sofa is a darker color, and it is against a lighter

           colored wall.  I think there is a TV in this same room.  Binoo is being petted, and I hear

           the TV on.  I only feel the petting as if I am Binoo, I dont see who is holding her or

           petting her. But she likes this.]

ª İ ̴µ, ο ̰ տ ֳ׿. TV ִ ΰϴ. 񴩸 ֽð ְ Ƽ ֳ׿. ϴ 𸣰ڽϴ. ٵ 񴩰 ϳ׿.

(̰ ̽ ħ뿡. 㿡 켭 ڰ ħ 3  ķ .)

  [Image:  This is soft bedding, like people bedding.  I think there is a light lavender        

           colored comforter.  ]

ڸ ε巯 ڸ̳׿. 󺥴 ̺ΰŰƿ.

(̰ ̺^^;; Ȯϳ׿ )

           [Image:  A young asian woman, in front of a mirror, like she is getting ready to go to

           school, work, or out with friends.  She is not dressed fancy, but she is putting on

           a little bit of make up.   In this view, it is as if I am on the floor looking up.  So perhaps

           this is Binoo watching YounJung get ready.]

б , ϴ ģ غ ϴ 젋 ƽþ ڰ ſ տ ֽϴ. ܶ ʾ, ȭ ¦ ϰ ־. ٴڿ ÷ ִµ ̹ Դϴ. Ƹ 񴩰 غϽð ִ ִ Ͱƿ.

(¾ƿ, ʵ ϰų ֿ԰ ũ ٸ ٴϴ ڿ )

Ȥ ̵𿡰 Ƿ ּ.( ȵǿ)

κ Ƿϴ ־µ Ƽ Ȱŵ.

ڸƮ 11 [ũ] [õ]
ȸ ۾
 [D-5] ܳ ߽Ƽ   [9] ̻ 2010/02/16 8 1315
 2 16 ȭϿ Խ ü ۾ ֽϴ.  [14] 2010/02/15 14 1373
 ڡڡ ùٸ ۱ ȭ ì̡ ڡڡ  [73] ڿì̡ 2010/02/05 82 2214
  Խ ħԴϴ.  [68] 2007/12/12 93 22380
804997   Խ ü ֽϴ!! Խù ۼ Ͻߴ ȳ!  [53] 2010/02/16 2 1804
804995 2  ȸ б մϴ  ̸ ..  [36] 2010/02/16 1 1399
804996  20 Ͽ Ǯ Ĵ..Ѣ  [6] ޺ 2010/02/16 1 900
804994  [©] ݸ޴ ؼ 똭!!!!!!!  [23] 1972 2010/02/16 1 1732
804992  3 ó?   [7] 2010/02/16 1 955
804990  ɾ޶ 2 ī ۾ ݾ~Ф  [10] ñ 2010/02/16 1 953
804989  []14 ƮƮ.. ȣ .. _  [33] 2010/02/16 1 1573
804988   ٺ װ ٷȾ ...  [1] 2010/02/16 1 735
804987  ׷ ü õ ϴ°?  [6] .. 2010/02/16 1 880
804984   ʹ ȵȴ  2010/02/16 1 369
804985   ȵǴ°ž?Ф  [1] Ф 2010/02/16 1 761
804986   ݰ ǰ ͳ׿  [2] ߰ 2010/02/16 1 750
804980  츮 ¯얔  . 2010/02/16 1 463
804979  緹 ݴ 󸶳 ɱ?  [28] Ѿ+_+ 2010/02/16 1 1692
804978  츮 ֿ÷ 帮 ȵ???  [6] ÷ 2010/02/16 1 961
804977  ׳ ߾;;   [12] 2010/02/16 1 1001
804976  ɸ԰ 鼭 ݸ忡 ..()  [24] º 2010/02/16 4 2265
804975  15ֳ ϳ ϸ.. ..   [15] 2010/02/16 6 1242
804974  Ӻ) 500m   [10] 2010/02/16 1 1002
804973  Ϻ °Ŵ?  [5] ..... 2010/02/16 1 1241
804972  ... 츮 ȵdz   [1] ... 2010/02/16 0 802


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