ϸ Ű ο  ..!!

ID/PW ã ' ͸' ȸ
Բߴ ԽԴϴ. Խ ̵Ϸ Ŭϼ!

     :   ...߰ſ : 2009.07.07 (Tue) 03:01:06 AM  
 ۼ : .. No. 590704  õ : 45  ȸ : 1,086 

Empty, vast, and cold were the halls of the Snow Queen.

Little Kay was quite blue with cold, indeed almost black, but he did not feel it; for the Snow Queen had kissed away the icy shiverings, and his heart was already a lump of ice.


Kay, dear little Kay, I have found you at last.

But he sat quite still, stiff and cold.

Then little Gerda wept hot tears, which fell on his breast, and penetrated into his heart, and thawed the lump of ice, and washed away the little piece of glass which had stuck there. Then he looked at her, and she sang—

ä ִ ܷο...

ҳ̾ ̴ ٴڿ ɾ ߰ ־

â Ǻ ʴ ҳ



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ѹ , Ƹ   տ ġ ҳ ̸ ϱ

ҳ ִٴ Ȧ ӳ ... ϵ 鼭

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Ű ޾ ó ... ģ ˾ƺ ϰ

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ѹ ҳ ƿ ϰ...


""....Ƹٿ ȭ ƿ ..



...  츮 Բ ...

Ƹٿ, Ҹ 꿡...

2009 7 7

ڸƮ 15 [ũ] [õ]
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